• Transport Facilities
    • We have our own buses to avoid the problems of hired vehicles. Bus services are extended to all the colonies of Trans-Yamuna Area, having motorable roads. Students can avail the School Transport, subject to the availability of seats. One month’s notice is required for discontinuing the use of bus.
  • Laboratories
    • To meet the growing requirements of the Secondary and Senior Secondary classes Labs for Physics, Chemistry, Biology,Home Science and Computer Science have been set up. These Labs are well equipped with apparatus and instruments as per the requirements of C.B.S.E.
  • Library
    • A full fledged Library has been set up to broaden the world of knowledge and literature. This library has been designed to meet the future needs of the changing pattern of education and is equipped with selected books on all subjects. A variety of newspapers and magazines have also been subscribed to.


  • Each student shall be provided with a Borrower’s card at the beginning of the session which is to be returned at the end of the session.
  • The Borrower’s card is not transferable.
  • This card will have to be shown when requested for by the librarian.
  • Books,Magazines and other publications shall be issued for a maximum period of seven days.
  • Books lost, shall have to be replaced by the borrower or they shall have to pay the cost of replacement which includes the current price along with a penalty of 50% of the cost of the book.
  • Borrower failing to return the book on due date shall have to pay the over due charge of Rs. 5/- per volume per day for the period the books are kept beyond the due date.
  • A member who loses his/her borrower’s card shall make a written report to the librarian. A duplicate card shall be issued on payment of a fee of Rs. 30/- only.
  • Medical Facility
    • We have a qualified doctor on our panel as the School Medical Officer. The services are available to all students in case of ill health or injury. A periodical medical check-up is done and record is maintained (In Health Centre). The parents are informed if the doctor finds that a child needs special medical care. In emergency, the school also avails the services of a nursing home.
  • Canteen Facility
    • The School has a Canteen Management Committee constituting of Teachers, Parents, Students and Canteen operator. They co-ordinate, implement and monitor the guidelines to make safe and healthy food available to students. As per the CBSE directions, Junk Foods are not sold in the canteen. Steps are taken to sensitize and orient students about healthy eating habits and canteen menu is altered periodically keeping in mind the student’s health and tastes.
  • Interaction with Parents
    • The School almanac provides for regular contact between the teachers and parents. For personal discussions, Parents shall meet the teachers on Open House Day / Parent Teacher Meeting.


"To provide a high quality comprehensive and meaningful education for all students. Each student will be expected to succeed within the bounds of their abilities and chosen educational goals. Each student will be treated as an individual, given the tools to be a lifelong learner and taught to function as a productive member of society".


"By 2019, the school will inculcate in students, the virtues of basic communication skills, amiable manners and etiquettes, besides  academic excellence, equipping them for tomorrow’s world". 

Nutan Vidya Mandir 2016-2017
